Product Photography Pricing List – How Much Does Product Photography Cost?

Product photography is a game changer in the world of eCommerce. It develops your visual-oriented business identity professionally and creatively.

To be more specific, it is a long-term investment that can influence customers to make repeated purchases. Whether you’re a product photographer or the owner of an eCommerce brand, you need to produce product images that are both eye-catching and persuasive.

So, Are you confused about how much you should spend on professional product photography, right?

No worries! We’ve given an overview of the product photography pricing list that might help you determine the cost appropriately.

Without much further ado, let’s dive in.

What Is Product Photography Pricing?

Product photography pricing is typically a pricing structure for rich, detailed product images based on expertise, knowledge, and effort. It is based on the four different types of structures—per hour, per day, per image, and per product—that have the greatest influence. Therefore, the photographer may change the pricing structure, if you have a wide range of photos or specific needs.

Whether you’ve started or already established a business, you know the importance of quality product photos. It increases the number of shoppers who click on your product lists, highlights the key features of the products, and shows customers your product quality. So every brand must need expert-quality product photography.

Are you losing track of where to find these photographers, what their rates are, and how much their product photography should cost? So, no need to get stuck in a pile of questions.

Instead, in the sections that follow, you’ll find all of the answers to the estimated list of product photography pricing packages that will allow you to set a budget that will work well.

How to Price Product Photography?

Nowadays, customers can buy products with their eyes, which means they like them and so they get them. But the whole decision-making process depends on the aesthetic visualization of the

However, the underlying question remains, ‘How do your aesthetic, and visual product photos determine the price?’

Determining product photography pricing is a daunting task, but some variables may help you do so accurately.

These variables are –

  • The experience of the photographer
  • The type of project
  • Photography equipment
  • Size, weight, and complexity of the product

How Do Product Photography Service Providers Differ?

When considering the usefulness of product photography, the first thing that comes to mind is the aesthetic visual appearance of the product. So creating them might be tougher, but with the essence of experience, you can win the battle of quality pictures.

In this case, the help of a product photography service provider paves the way for your business’s success in the eCommerce industry. They directly affect your revenue generation process. As we go through the various product photography services, the ones that demand the most tools and expertise are regarded as the best.

Therefore, there are essentially 2 different types of studios that offer a variety of photography services. Such as-

Local Independent Photography Studios

You must locate a freelance or independent photographer in your area who typically provides various photography services. While they occasionally share a studio with others or sometimes work from home. They offer plenty of perks if you decide to hire them.

For example,

  • You’ll get a lot of independent photographers’ options
  • It is easy to negotiate the costs when dealing with just one person.
  • No headaches from shipping or communication issues.

On the other hand, you might experience some challenges.

For example,

  • Lack of studio capacity, equipment, or photography software to handle your project
  • Sometimes it may be difficult to find a specialist product photographer.

But the question arises, how much do freelance photographers charge?

Depending on the location, novice, hobbyist, or amateur freelance photographers typically charge $20 to $100 per hour, while professionals charge $100 to $250 per hour.

Full-Service Photography Studios

Full-service studios provide a wide range of photography services and can handle bigger projects. Additionally, they come with the following advantages:

  • Professional setting with spacious studio, equipment, and software
  • They can handle large projects to meet the deadline.
  • They monitor project progress and review image quality.

While some challenges-

  • Shipping costs will be higher
  • A limited choice of local studios may lead to compromises on shooting.

While considering full services, how much do studios price product photography?

A photography studio will charge a flat hourly or daily rate, such as $400 to $100 per day; pricing may vary depending on the use of additional equipment.

How Much Does Product Photography Cost? Ideas for Product Photography Pricing

The project and the ongoing market rate determine the cost of product photography to cover overhead and expenses. Many sections of product photography, from beginner to experienced levels, differ from one another in the pricing plans. Arranging a shoot becomes much simpler considering how much product photography costs.

Ecommerce Photography Pricing

Ecommerce products have large sections. Its pricing may vary with the number of images you need. This is so because no eCommerce platform can deny the significance of premium-looking photos.

The more images you have, the less you have to pay. So this type of product photography determines the overall costs, which depend on the expertise and experience level of the photographer or studio.

Experience LevelPricing Range (estimated per image)
Full-Service Photography Studio$50-$100

Lifestyle Product Photography Pricing

In lifestyle photography, your product is displayed in a carefully selected setting. It helps the audience associate your product with a particular lifestyle, which increases your conversion rates.

But it might cost you more than traditional eCommerce product photography. This happens because of the costs involved with the studio setup, hiring a model, and renting props.

Experience LevelPricing Range (estimated per image)
Full-Service Photography Studio$150-$200

Amazon Product Photography Pricing

Amazon is the most popular retailer in the world of eCommerce. So its product photography standards are different from those of other eCommerce channels.

As long as you have a pure white background, proper lighting, product photo editing, and high image resolution for this product photography, the photos should be able to convert buyers.

The cost of Amazon product photography pricing would be similar to paying the standard eCommerce product pricing.

Experience LevelPricing Range (estimated per image)
Full-Service Photography Studio$120-$130

Jewelry Product Photography Pricing

Jewelry product pricing is among the more popular categories in the eCommerce product photography section. The product photographer should be skilled at taking meticulously detailed photos.

Photographers specializing in jewelry charge by the hour or by the image. When working, you are meticulous and exact. Jewelry photography costs a fairly wide range, especially when you consider shots of models that feature a lot of other team members and products.

Experience LevelPricing Range (estimated per image)
Freelance$25- $100
Full-Service Photography Studio$50-$150

Clothing Product Photography Pricing

In the fashion world, high-quality clothing photography is crucial for increasing conversion rates. You can take photos of this product photography style in three ways- ghost mannequin, with a model, and flat lay-and the pricing differs depending on these ways.

As an eCommerce owner, you must base your photography budget on this. Because the more you click on high-quality photographs, the more you gain in trust, money, and effort.

Experience LevelPricing Range (estimated per image)
Full-Service Photography Studio$60-$120

Model Product Photography Pricing

Human touch encourages the buyer to purchase the product. Though it takes time and money, its prestigious aura attracts more customers. With this photography, users understand how to use the product, where to use it, and how it will affect their appearance.

This is crucial when photographing lifestyles, but you can also use this look for online stores. Thus, the price may change depending on how much time you spend and what skills you have.

Experience LevelPricing Range (estimated per image)
Freelance$90- $200
Full-Service Photography Studio$200-$800

360 Product Photography Pricing

When it comes to selling online, product images are the digital asset for the eCommerce business, where the 360-degree turntable photo triggers the online store.

This photography style allows customers to properly check the product virtually for the best shopping experience possible, showcase the quality of your goods, and outperform the competition. Because it is frequently used on eCommerce platforms, the charges are high in comparison to other fees.

Experience LevelPricing Range (estimated per image)
Full-Service Photography Studio$35-$105

Other Product Photography Price List

Other product photography may vary in price depending on the style, including skincare, furniture photography, mannequin apparel photography, flat-lay product photography, and packshot photography.

If you photograph furniture, for instance, your rates might start at $25 to $80 per hour for beginners but reach as high as $150 to $400 per hour for experts. Moreover, the cost of product photography is determined not only by the style but also by the skill of the photographers.

You might have a question in mind, Why Does Product Photography Cost Differs?

The cost of product photography depends on the total number of images, your needs, and the diverse range of products you’ve clicked and retouched.

Read Also: Product Photography Pricing Guide – How Much Should You Charge?

How to Define Product Photography Pricing Packages?

When defining the product photography pricing packages, there are five factors to consider:

  • Per Image
  • Per Product
  • Per hour
  • Per day
  • Monthly

There, we’ve estimated the costs that are typically included in product photography pricing packages.

Let’s move in-depth!

Per Image Product Photography Packages

Per image pricing structure is the most effective for both the photographer and the client. Both can decide how much they spend or gain based on the number of images.

From the photographer’s viewpoint, they can plan properly when creating the pricing structure. On the other hand, according to the client’s perspective, the number of shots—a front shot, a back shot, or a close shot—they will require for each product must be determined within the range of $10 to $150.

Per Products Product Photography Packages

Per product pricing packages are more transparent and clear. You can easily distinguish the pricing between one product and a group of products. Pricing per product may be inconvenient for photographers but beneficial to clients.

Every product type has a different price; for instance, jewelry or skincare will be more expensive than apparel. The lower the charge, the more products there are. So the estimated product price list range might be from $45 to $60.

Per Hour Product Photography Packages

The hourly rate structure for product photography can be tricky. You have no idea how long a project will take to finish. As a result, as a photographer, you would have to pay more than you expected.

While some factors affect the shooting process, including studio setup, speed, and the skills of the photographers, many others can take more time and cost you more than the number of images. The pricing range would be started from $40 to $500 per hour.

Per Day Product Photography Packages

Pricing at the daily rate might be a better idea for both photographers and clients. This is so that the eCommerce owner can guarantee the best results while the photographers actively perform their duties. Otherwise, they might insist on taking more photos than they had intended.

The cost ranges for per-day pricing packages, which range from $500 to $1000, are higher than per product but more convenient and reliable.

Monthly Product Photography Packages

Want to hire full-time product photographers for your eCommerce brand? But before hiring, one must consider whether they are knowledgeable about their work and have had expertise in it for more than a year. So, you’ll get the best outcomes for the project.

While you can reduce your shipping costs, extra weight or size product fees, and product styling fees, you still have to pay for things like studio setup, model hiring fees, and set design fees. Moreover, hiring a product photographer for the monthly product photography packages can be a better idea for your eCommerce brand. The estimated rates would be between $1700 and $3200 per month.

Product Photography Rates Varies Depending on These Things

Product photography rates vary depending on different parameters, including the market, the photographer’s reputation, and the project’s difficulty.


Is it just a matter of clicking? Obviously no! The product photo needs to be retouched properly. Otherwise, it may negatively affect the brand.
As a result, your product photo needs to be tidy, optimized, and ready to upload on your eCommerce platforms. Basically, you need the best quality post-production services, like photo retouching, ghost mannequins, eCommerce photo editing, Amazon infographics, and many more, to get the best outcomes.

Product Size

Small products don’t need extra effort, while large product sizes require a lot of space to shoot and more people to manage. It may impact the charging chart.

Product Styling + Props

All products don’t need styling or the use of props. Clothing, product, and food photography settings can be incomplete without proper styling with props. As a result, these activities require more time and labor, which could raise the cost.


Before shooting the products, you must have a camera, a lens, and a proper lighting setup. So, when you’re planning your budget, don’t forget to consider the costs of leasing tools or purchasing new equipment.

Model Release

It can be difficult and time-consuming to manage a model for a product shoot. You must learn how to photograph products without a model, which would allow you to go farther in the game. As a result, the projects require less time and money to successfully launch your business on eCommerce platforms.


Sometimes the product doesn’t look alluring, sometimes the product shots are left to shoot, or sometimes more work needs to be done based on the clients’ feedback. Therefore, there are additional fees for reshoots.

Group Images

Different sizes and weights of products require different studios, lighting, and camera configurations. The exact thing happens when you take group product shots; there you need to change the whole studio setup, lighting, and sometimes props, which may influence your pricing structure.

Delivery Time

Delivery time is also the determining factor in pricing. The faster you deliver the product, the more you pay in additional fees; the longer you wait, the less you pay.

Why the variation in Product Photography Rates?

Actually, the photographer’s experience, style, and neatly retouched photographs cause a variation in product photography rates.

What Should You Consider When Hiring a Product Photographer?

Whether you’ve established or just started out your e-commerce brand, you need to hire a photographer. This is because good product photos are worth a lot. According to eMarketer, 62% of consumers say that seeing images and videos of a product makes them more likely to purchase it. To take customer-engaging photos, you need a professional product photographer.

What should you look for while hiring them?

  • Decide on a budget
  • Look at the photographer’s portfolio
  • Read customers’ Testimonials & Reviews
  • Look for creativity
  • Excellent time management skills at shoot
  • Adobe Photoshop knowledge


Why knowing about product photography is so important?

Customers can verify the product quality and reliability of your brand image by looking at the product photographs. It can encourage viewers to become potential customers who might make repeated purchases from you.

How can I save money on product photography costs?

If you want to save on your product photography costs, you could design a suitable pricing plan that you would need to negotiate wisely with your photographer.

How much should I charge for product photography?

Product photography pricing differs a lot depending on the photography project. But on average, the pricing should be around $150 per hour. You can change that by determining another pricing model.

Can professional product photography boost eCommerce sales?

Of course, aesthetic visualization happens with professional product photography that can help you increase sales and build customer loyalty. This is because your customer cannot touch or feel but can see with his or her eyes

What should I charge for product photography as a local photographer?

The price may vary depending on the photographer’s talent, but a local photographer can expect to pay between $150 and $200 per hour.

How much do product photographers make in a month?

The average monthly salary for product photographers is estimated to be around $3000. The salary depends on the area of expertise and work experience.

Final Words

You should know how much you charge for product photography if you’ve read this article. It would be beneficial to think about your budget and then plan your photo shoot accordingly. So don’t delay in beginning the process of product photography pricing.

Ashique Rahman
Ashique Rahman

Digital marketing and eCommerce specialist Ashique Rahman is a devoted researcher and writer. He has been publishing write-ups on e-commerce business, e-business updates, tips, and strategies, solutions to adjust to the trendy business strategies to improve their page rank, traffic, conversion rate, and SEO activities.

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